Could Gold Investment Provide Your Portfolio A New Dimension?

Since last year, gold has been around $1,700 per ounce. Before that, it moved in a small range, around $1,200 per ounce for years. Due to its low correlations with other asset classes, gold may help protect a diversified portfolio against possible downturns.

Because of the enormous amount of stimulus injected into the economy, there is always the possibility that prices will rise, therefore it can also be a wise method to manage money and protect against risk. Gold may do better if interest rates go down, inflation increases, or the US dollar weakens.

Nicholas Thompson, who is in charge of Morgan Stanley’s physical precious metals product for Wealth Management clients, says there might be more to think about right now. Gold coins and bars often trade for a small amount more than spot (i.e., the gold price quoted on the exchange). See Also types of Gold investment.

This premium changes based on how the market is doing and may go up if there are delays in the supply chain, refinery, or transportation. When there is a lot of uncertainty like during the COVID-19 crisis, the price of physical bars and coins can often go up because more people want to buy them.

Because industrialized countries have issued a lot of government debt with negative yields and the Federal Reserve may keep interest rates low until 2022. The cost of storing gold has become less than the cost of owning high-quality sovereign debt in some cases. These market conditions could make more people want to buy gold worldwide.

How Can Investors Add Gold To Their Portfolios In A Real Way? Here Are The Three Main Ways That People Get Exposed:

Physical Gold

Investors can buy gold bars and coins through their Morgan Stanley brokerage accounts. They can also buy gold-minted American Eagle coins as part of their retirement plan. Investors might pay more than the price of gold in the spot market. Usually, you have to pay to store things. If investors want to store their gold on their own, they can buy real gold. There would also be costs for shipping.

According to Thompson, some wealthy clients may want something tangible to contrast with the book-entry securities that make up the majority of their gold investment portfolios. It’s one of the few gold investments that people may possess and use to make purchases.

Some mutual funds and exchange-traded funds give investors access to gold as an investment vehicle. Those who are pure-play have a value that goes up and down with the price of gold. Investors pay the fund’s expense ratio, which covers the cost of keeping physical supply.

Mining companies

Investors can get a piece of gold mining companies by buying individual stocks or a piece of a fund that invests in gold mining companies. Mining industry often moves in lockstep with the price of gold, but some stocks may be exposed to risks that are unique to the company.

Even in this small area, it might be hard to decide on a fund. Some funds own companies that mine a wide range of precious metals, while others only own small and medium-sized mining companies. Investors may not know which is best for them based on how much risk they are willing to take and how they want to divide their assets. 

Implementing a Hedge

Some investors may believe that if the likelihood of a US recession rises, they should invest less in stocks. Another alternative is to purchase gold as a safety net. Historically, when inflation-adjusted bond rates fell, the price of gold rose. A stronger currency and rising interest rates, on the other hand, would most likely limit gold’s upside.

Even though gold isn’t usually considered a good long-term investment, some investors may want to consider putting some of their money in gold as part of a diversified portfolio. Many people believe that gold investment is considered a better option than saving money at home.